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Hazrat Meerza Agha Mohammad (R.A.)
Hazrat Dr. Meerza Murtuza Hussain


Hazrat Dr. Meerza Murtuza Hussain - Biography

Whenever we travel, we tend to think of going somewhere. However, if we keep on going, sooner or later we end up at the same place from where we had started our journey as we move on a circular path. Hence, our starting and finishing points are relative, otherwise these are the same. The heavenly bodies as well as the smallest particle of any substance are circular in appearance. This is not restricted to the physical objects rather the whole pattern of life moves in and out of an endless circle. It is like a process of rainfall where water rises from the sea as vapors and move away from the sea in the form of clouds and then these clouds fall as rain which through rivers and creeks again moves back into the sea. Likewise, a seed gives birth to the fruits, flowers and trees that again provide seeds and this process moves on ad infinitum. The human life also follows the same pattern of reproduction. Perhaps, this is why Socrates has said,

“There is nothing new under the Sun

However, if we go a little deeper, we can see it as the partial truth. For instance, the rain water that we see as moving back into its source i.e. sea, appear as such due to our limited way of perceiving reality, otherwise it moves ahead into the sea because sea has gone through many changes during that time period and likewise the vapors. Hence, it is a merger of same yet different waters. This journey of water to water is from its origin to origin, but every moment the water is new and by the time it reaches back to its origin, the origin itself changes and so is the raining water. Van Gogh, the great German artist once started drawing a sketch of the sun. When many days passed and the painting remained incomplete, someone asked him, “why can’t you finish with the simple painting of the sun?”. He answered, “In the beginning, I thought it simple but now I realize that every day there is a new sun, hence the difficulty to complete my painting”.

This is why one does not get bored rather gets rejuvenated every time in the presence of flowers, grass and other natural phenomena because they are constantly being renewed. Physically, one may miss the newness of all life forms as they always look same as grass is always green, jasmine is always white but deep down one feels the freshness of these things every time. This brings us to another statement made by Heraclitus:-

“You can’t step into the same river twice”

However, it can be observed that both these statements are not opposites of each other rather complimentary. They reflect the two sides of the same coin. It is our common observation that one’s life depends on the incoming and outgoing breath which is again a circular motion, but every breath is a new breath yet the same breath. These paradoxes are difficult to comprehend by the mind due to its mode of thinking. It can understand things with their opposites in the backdrop. For a mind, day and night refer to two different realities. However, in reality, a demarcation cannot be made between the states of day and night. Due to this, mind comprehends one half of the picture at a time. It cannot see the day and night together rather one half of the reality. This partial vision gives rise to division of things. Analysis takes priority over Synthesis. This trend of thinking divides humanity into compartments. One feels a distance from others in the name of race, sex, religion, etc. The human values are superseded by the artificial values. In reality, each human being is just like the other yet unique in his own ways. A human being should be viewed as a human being and not a labeled personality. However, individuals with such understanding are rare to find, where divine compassion truly reflects in its full grandeur. Such living beings are the true reflection of highest human values and their love showers on every living being without any prejudice.

Not very long ago, Dr. Meerza Murtuza Hussain (RA) had presented this dimension of life in its perfection. Several people are still alive who have experienced this immaculate milieu of love around Dr. Sahib. His very presence would charge the atmosphere with love and heal the people around him from their psychological ailments.

He was born in Jabalpur - M.P. India in the year 1877. His father was a Sufi Master but of a strict belief that his family members would support themselves from their own resources rather than of Khanqah’s. Due to this, all of his children got modern day education and secured jobs against the common tradition of those days for Pirzadas to be dependant on Khanqah’s resources. Dr. Sahib, by profession turned out to be a medical practitioner who graduated from the Calcutta Medical College.

Like his father, he was also seriously interested in providing modern day education to all the children around him. To achieve this purpose, a club for children was formed. In this club, besides modern day education, children were also required to participate in games, music classes and self-defense training. A special horse carriage was purchased for children where all of them had been given rides regularly. A managing committee used to take care of this club. Interestingly enough, except that of an ordinary member, his only son was never appointed as an office bearer of this club. Also, children used to pass some of their leisure time playing with the animals as a large section of his house had been used for keeping pets. Dr. Sahib had a large collection of birds, deer, horses, cows, rabbits, squirrels, monkeys, cheetal, cats, and a pond full of color fish. He would give personal attention to those animals and take utmost care of them.

He had always shown a great respect and affection towards women. Least to mention, in every gathering held at his house whether religious or social in nature, he had always been considerate towards their preferences regarding food items and qawwalis. Being a doctor, he had shown no discrimination towards his patients whether they were Muslims or non- - Muslims, men or women. With this attitude, he had accepted disciples from other religious faiths also. He had accepted courtesans as his disciples too who were all transformed just because of Dr. Sahib’s affection and acceptance and almost all of them had gotten married and lived a life of respect.

Throughout his lifetime, Dr. Sahib’s love had showered on everyone alike without any prejudice. Dr. Sahib’s unprejudiced love for human beings is particularly reflected in the days of Hindu Muslim riots. He would freely enter the riot ridden areas to see his patients. The representatives of Muslims and Hindus used to request him not to take such a risk, but he would answer them both with a smile, ”God takes care of me.” He had never left his patients unattended under any circumstances. Amidst that turmoil of religious strife, his horse carriage stood as the symbol of peace. Dr. Sahib was one of the most famous physicians of Jabalpur who had three running clinics. Inspite of his fame, he had great consideration for the poor people. Several of his poor patients had reported to say that instead of charging fees, Dr. Sahib would give them money from his own pocket for buying milk and fruits. As a spiritual master, occasionally, he used to be invited by his disciples. He would treat his rich or poor disciples alike. Once in a gathering, one of his poor disciples desired that if he had enough money, he would have invited Dr. Sahib to his house. Instantly, Dr. Sahib pointed at him and said, “I wish, I could have ‘besan ki roti with lehsan ki chatni’ at your house.”It was not difficult even for a poor person to arrange for such a dinner. Such an attitude towards his disciples had existed throughout his lifetime, where he appeared more like a father than a spiritual guide. Once, in a winter season, he was staying in Bombay. His disciples used to be gathered from evening till late in the night. During a cold night, some of the disciples stayed at his place and went to sleep in his room. When they woke up in the morning, they realized that they were covered in the blanket of Dr. Sahib while he was busy in his zikr and wazifa in the corner of the room.

As a Sufi disciple, he went through a vigorous spiritual training under the guidance of his father Hazrat Meerza Agha Mohammad (RA) who happened to be his Shaykh too. During the last year of his lifetime, Hazrat Agha Sahib asked Dr. Sahib to leave everything aside and live together with him. Dr. Sahib was even supposed to prepare food for his Shaykh. With the passing of days, Dr. Sahib gradually had stopped meeting people and his clinics were closed down due to his absence. He absolutely devoted himself to his Shaykh. This phase in his lifetime continued for a period of time, then Hazrat Sahib asked him to go back to his normal daily routine. Later, Hazrat Agha Sahib told his disciples,

“ I had kept him in an isolation for a while, as I did not want him to be obsessed with the world. I merely wanted to see whether Dr. Sahib is able to maintain a balance between the material and spiritual worlds and I am satisfied to see that he is able to tread on a middle path where worldly involvement’s cannot hinder him  remembering ‘Allah’. I know, it is absolutely necessary for an individual to earn his livelihood through proper means, hence I have sent him back to his clinics amidst his worldly and spiritual patients”.

Inspite of his fame and three clinics, all of his life, Dr. Sahib lived in a rented house and did never own a house. Also, he did not leave any material wealth for his children. However, on his death bed he uttered some of the most precious words to his fourteen year old son who was obviously very much disturbed at that time. Dr. Sahib said,

  “God is more of a Beloved for us than a Creator and whatsoever comes from the Beloved whether pleasure or pain is acceptable for the lover. Always remember it in any situation and every stage of your life, then life will be a beautiful experience for you. You will see HIM everywhere and you will find HIM everywhere and this is what the purpose of life is! ”